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Vancord CyberSound Podcast

Protect your business with tips & tactics from our IT security experts

CyberSoundTM is a podcast built by and for business owners and professionals. Tune in as our cybersecurity experts cover the latest news regarding IT security, the most recent and relevant threats organizations are facing today, and provide tips to keep your business safe.

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Most Recent Episode


What’s Hot and What’s Not in Technology and Culture | 2024

In the latest episode of CyberSound, Vancord’s Cybersecurity Podcast 2024, hosts Jason and Steve introduce a new segment to the show, titled “Hot or Not.” Joined by Brian Brehart of Vancord, they explore trending topics in cybersecurity and beyond. The episode covers a range of issues, from the ongoing challenges of compromised firewalls and the new federal security incident reporting obligations to current emerging technologies in the market.
They also dive into a rapid-fire game, evaluating the relevance of topics like generative AI, social media, and the metaverse. The episode concludes with lighter topics, including Taylor Swift’s enduring popularity and Caitlin Clark’s impact on the WNBA

Meet the Hosts of CyberSoundTM

CyberSoundTM is hosted by cybersecurity professionals who work in the industry on a daily basis. Meet Vancord’s Jason Pufahl, Steven Maresca, and Matt Fusaro.
Jason Pufahl
VP Security Services
Steven Maresca

Principal Architect, vISO

Matt Fusaro

Security Services Director

Most Recent Episodes

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Working in the security space can come with unexpected challenges and events. The team at Vancord has learned how to properly handle incident response by understanding the high sense of urgency people feel in these situations.
Join Jason, Steve, and Matt on today’s episode of CyberSound as they recall some of the most riveting jobs they’ve encountered as cybersecurity engineers and emphasize the importance of flexibility in this industry.
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What kind of data is attainable to the general public? There is information that you may deem private, like salaries, voter affiliation, and property assessor records. Fortunately, there are options for recourse and limiting the visibility of this data.
Join us on today’s episode of CyberSound as Jason, Steve, and Matt hope to help you and your organization understand where data in the public domain is stored and encourage finding your comfort level.
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There are valuable resources available to help protect your organization against insider threats, one of the larger ones being the annual Ponemon Cost of Insider Threats Global Report.
Today, Jason, Steve, and Matt dive into the 2022 report in hopes of helping listeners, both business owners and security practitioners, realign organizational spending and understand the costs of these threats.
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Understanding the business market is the first step in providing successful cybersecurity services to clients. Having valued partners to collaborate with amplifies this.
On this week’s episode of CyberSound, Jason sits down with Bob Meindl, CEO of Binary Defense, and Michael Grande, CEO of Vancord, to have a productive conversation on the importance of people and relationships in this industry, key business drivers in the market, and address the ongoing cybersecurity talent gap.
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It’s been one year since the release of our first ever episode of CyberSound! Tune in as Jason, Steve, and Matt revisit snippets of episodes this past year and share laughs and valuable lessons learned throughout the creation of this podcast.
Thanks to our listeners for joining us on this journey, and we look forward to providing you with more impactful cybersecurity content over the next year.
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IT and cybersecurity are two fundamental pieces of an organization’s internet protection. But how can these respective departments work together to bring a more strategic approach to projects?
Today, the team at CyberSound sits down with Lou Ardolino of Vancord for a productive conversation on using effective communication to bring infrastructure and security technology teams together to build a better future for your clients.
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There are changing expectations in higher education for protecting student financial records. This is an opportunity for your institution to get ahead in information security as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) requirements begin to go into effect this year.
Join Jason, Steve, and guest star Brian Kelly from EDUCAUSE on today’s episode of CyberSound to discuss the importance of performing self-assessments to sustain your eligibility with these obligations. Don’t wait– start your journey to compliance now.
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The Department of Defense (DoD) holds security standards for organizations that handle controlled, unclassified information– particularly NIST 800-171 and the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC). These standards are set to ensure protection in your business and to avoid any potential data breaches or financial impacts.
Today, Jason and Steve are joined by FutureFeed’s Jim Goepel, where the team outlines the life cycle for protecting your cyber data and how to make sure you’re meeting the goals of your POAM.
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Today, the economic landscape is directly impacting the cybersecurity industry, which has resulted in unrest. With the current state of the job and stock markets, it is crucial to be aware of these challenges to adapt accordingly.
On today’s episode of CyberSound, Jason, Steve, and Matt discuss specific factors contributing to this downturn in the industry and alternative approaches to hiring, such as seeking more diversified candidates to ensure greater success in your organization.
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Reducing physical security risk requires great flexibility in meeting the specified needs of clients. This understanding allows experts to analyze the severity of a situation and mitigate it appropriately.
Today, Kenneth Grossberger from Elite Investigations joins the team at CyberSound to discuss ways you can minimize reputational risk, the importance of physical and cybersecurity training, and practices to ensure safe risk management in the workplace.

Most Recent Episodes

CyberSound ep57

Untold Stories of a Cybersecurity Engineer

Working in the security space can come with unexpected challenges and events. The team at Vancord has learned how to properly handle incident response by understanding the high sense of urgency people feel in these situations.
Join Jason, Steve, and Matt on today’s episode of CyberSound as they recall some of the most riveting jobs they’ve encountered as cybersecurity engineers and emphasize the importance of flexibility in this industry.
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CyberSound ep56

Finding Privacy in Public Data

What kind of data is attainable to the general public? There is information that you may deem private, like salaries, voter affiliation, and property assessor records. Fortunately, there are options for recourse and limiting the visibility of this data.
Join us on today’s episode of CyberSound as Jason, Steve, and Matt hope to help you and your organization understand where data in the public domain is stored and encourage finding your comfort level.
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CyberSound ep 55

Unpacking the 2022 Ponemon Cost of Insider Threats Global Report

There are valuable resources available to help protect your organization against insider threats, one of the larger ones being the annual Ponemon Cost of Insider Threats Global Report.
Today, Jason, Steve, and Matt dive into the 2022 report in hopes of helping listeners, both business owners and security practitioners, realign organizational spending and understand the costs of these threats.
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CyberSound ep54

Vancord and Binary Defense: Two Business Partners in The Industry

Understanding the business market is the first step in providing successful cybersecurity services to clients. Having valued partners to collaborate with amplifies this.
On this week’s episode of CyberSound, Jason sits down with Bob Meindl, CEO of Binary Defense, and Michael Grande, CEO of Vancord, to have a productive conversation on the importance of people and relationships in this industry, key business drivers in the market, and address the ongoing cybersecurity talent gap.
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CyberSound ep53

One Year of CyberSound

It’s been one year since the release of our first ever episode of CyberSound! Tune in as Jason, Steve, and Matt revisit snippets of episodes this past year and share laughs and valuable lessons learned throughout the creation of this podcast.
Thanks to our listeners for joining us on this journey, and we look forward to providing you with more impactful cybersecurity content over the next year.
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CyberSound ep52

Balancing Priorities of Infrastructure and Security

IT and cybersecurity are two fundamental pieces of an organization’s internet protection. But how can these respective departments work together to bring a more strategic approach to projects?
Today, the team at CyberSound sits down with Lou Ardolino of Vancord for a productive conversation on using effective communication to bring infrastructure and security technology teams together to build a better future for your clients.
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CyberSound ep51

GLBA Compliance in Higher Ed: Helping to Protect Student Financial Data

There are changing expectations in higher education for protecting student financial records. This is an opportunity for your institution to get ahead in information security as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) requirements begin to go into effect this year.
Join Jason, Steve, and guest star Brian Kelly from EDUCAUSE on today’s episode of CyberSound to discuss the importance of performing self-assessments to sustain your eligibility with these obligations. Don’t wait– start your journey to compliance now.
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CyberSound ep50

The Cyber Journey To Protecting Sensitive Data: How Evident Must It Be?

The Department of Defense (DoD) holds security standards for organizations that handle controlled, unclassified information– particularly NIST 800-171 and the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC). These standards are set to ensure protection in your business and to avoid any potential data breaches or financial impacts.
Today, Jason and Steve are joined by FutureFeed’s Jim Goepel, where the team outlines the life cycle for protecting your cyber data and how to make sure you’re meeting the goals of your POAM.
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CyberSound ep49

Economic Effects on the Cyber Industry

Today, the economic landscape is directly impacting the cybersecurity industry, which has resulted in unrest. With the current state of the job and stock markets, it is crucial to be aware of these challenges to adapt accordingly.
On today’s episode of CyberSound, Jason, Steve, and Matt discuss specific factors contributing to this downturn in the industry and alternative approaches to hiring, such as seeking more diversified candidates to ensure greater success in your organization.
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cybersound ep48

Tangible and Intangible Enterprise Risk

Reducing physical security risk requires great flexibility in meeting the specified needs of clients. This understanding allows experts to analyze the severity of a situation and mitigate it appropriately.
Today, Kenneth Grossberger from Elite Investigations joins the team at CyberSound to discuss ways you can minimize reputational risk, the importance of physical and cybersecurity training, and practices to ensure safe risk management in the workplace.
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