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Ransomware Protection

Organizations can reduce the likelihood and impact of a security incident through a proactive approach to cybersecurity. Vancord’s team of cybersecurity experts combined two of our top security offerings to provide clients with two detailed reports designed to identify gaps and provide recommendations. A Ransomware Assessment provides a comprehensive overview of current administrative and technical controls. A team Tabletop Exercise simulates a ransomware event to test ransomware readiness and defense methods.

Vancord's Proactive Approach to Protection

Ransomware Assessment
  • Identifies ransomware exposures and minimize recovery in less than 50 questions
  • Evaluates an organization’s security alignment with the NISTIR 8374 ransomware framework
  • Provides a clear roadmap for pragmatic improvement
Tabletop Exercise
  • Simulated incidents curated to test organizational security
  • Pre-exercise screening to engineer realistic scenarios for each organization’s unique security needs
  • Engaging security exercises designed to connect technical and executive participants
  • Assessment with (2) Vancord security engineers
  • Assessment report with security maturity score
  • Recommended remediations and plan of action
  • Tabletop exercise led by senior security engineers from our vISO team
  • Tabletop observation report with recommended improvements

Our Ransomware Ready service combines our top security offerings for $11,000.

Safeguarding Your Future

Get Ransomware Ready

Request a meeting with our security experts to get started.

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Featured Episode

CyberSoundTM is a podcast built by and for business owners and professionals. Tune in as our cybersecurity experts cover the latest news regarding IT security, the most recent and relevant threats organizations are facing today, and provide tips to keep your business safe.
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Risk Assessments for Small Business

Is your business prepared for an emergency, a crisis, or even a pandemic? How would you know? Risk assessments are essential to do annually, at the very least. Risks show up in the worst places and at the worst times. Natural or physical, accidental or environmental, technological or unexplainable–risks must be assessed, scoped, and mitigated.

In this episode of Cybersound, Jason Pufahl and Steve Maresca join Vancord’s risk assessment expert, Carrie Bonin, who shares her insight about the importance of considering risks, making a plan, and ensuring everyone sticks to it.